WOD 230110


Push / Pull-

4 super sets of-
8-14 Rings push ups
8-14 DB bent over rows



2-4-6-8-10.. etc – Box jumps
2 Legless rope climb between sets.


Weightlifting class-

Today's focus:
Staying flat-footed as much as possible

5 sets
3 no contact squat snatch + 3 OHS

5 sets
1 no feet hang squat snatch
1 hang squat snatch

5 sets
1 pause low hang power snatch
1 pause hang power snatch

EMOM 10 (work /w a constant challenging weight)
Odd: No feet squat snatch
Even: Squat snatch

6 sets
Snatch deadlift (% of 1RM)
2 sets of 3 @105%
2 sets of 3 @115%
2 sets of 2 @125%

8 good mornings + 8 'Y' raises

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