WOD 210504


Build MAX of the day-
1 power snatch
1 Squat snatch


For time-
100 Power snatches 20/15kg
– EVERY 2 minutes (include 0:00)- 1 rounds of "Mini Cindy"

"Mini Cindy"
3 Strict pull ups
6 Push ups
9 Squats

Weightlifting Class-

1) Build Heavy complex of-
High hang power snatch
Hang power snatch
Power snatch
– All with 3 seconds pause in reception

2) Hang squat snatch- 6×2, 3 seconds pause in reception

3) EMOM 10- 1 power snatch + 1 Squat snatch + 1 OHS

4) Pause (knees)- snatch grip deadlift

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