WOD 190501

Part 1-

5 sets-
5/5 single leg RDL + 10 T2B (go strict if possible)

Part 2-

In couples-
10 sets for time-
8 DB thrusters 50/25kg
6 Devil presses
200 met row


Session #1

Power clean + Front squat + Clean + Jerk- 5 sets, 3 seconds pause in split

Hang snatch high pull- 4×4

Front squat- 8×4@78%

Session #2

Clean segment pull (inch, knees, hips) + clean pull- (1+1) x 4 sets

Clean & jerk- 5x(3+1) @70%

Snatch balance- 5×3

Session #3

Snatch- 2-3 reps up to 60%, after 60% singles up to MAX of the day- 3-5% increases per set.

Clean & jerk- 2-3 reps up to 60%, after 60% singles up to MAX of the day- 3-5% increases per set.

Pause back squat- 3×3

Back squat- 3×5 @85% from pause BS

Stiff leg DL- 4×5

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