WOD 190110

Part 1-

Build heavy complex of-
2 squat cleans + 1 jerk

Part 2-

For time-
10 weighted step ups 10/6kg (medball)
15 DB ground to OH (2 DB's)- 22.5/15kg- each arm
20 weighted step ups
15 DB ground to OH
30 weighted step ups
15 DB ground to OH
40 weighted step ups
15 DB ground to OH


Part 1-

15 Minutes to build Heavy complex of-
1 Hang squat clean + 1 jerk + 1 front squat

Part 2-

4 RFT-
6 Burpee box jump over 75/60cm
8 C2B
6 Burpee box jump over
8 thrusters 60/40kg

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