Quarantine WOD 201029

Street WOD

Warm up-

3 rounds-
run 150
10 Empty bar DL
3 D-ball cleans

In couples-


5 rounds-
every 3:00 complete (together)
50m heavy d-ball carry
10 heavy deadlifts


4 rounds of 1:00 minute work-
1 – 1:00 front rack lunges 
2 – 1:00 push ups
3 – 1:00 bike
4 – 1:00 rest

Plate & Dumbell WOD

Warm up-

Tabata this- 2 rounds
– Air squats
– Hip taps
– "Yoga push ups
– Sit ups

Part 1-

4 super sets of-
8/8 Single leg RDL
15-30 seconds of Strict Handstand/Pike


For time-
Cash in- 200 side to side jumps

5 rounds-
12 Plate/DB deadlift
9 Hang squat clean
6 Curl & press

Cash out- 200 side to side jumps


Part 1-

4 super sets of-
8/8 Single leg RDL- Bodyweight
15-30 seconds of Strict Handstand/Pike


For time-
Cash in- 200 side to side jumps

5 rounds-
12 Sit ups
9 Squat jumps
6 Pike push ups

Cash out- 200 side to side jumps