Plate WOD
"Plate Mary"
10 Plate curl & press
10 Pistol squats / sit to stand
20 Towel rows / Plate bent row
Dumbell WOD
14 Minutes AMRAP-
60 Jumping Jacks
10 Lateral burpees over DB
20 Single arm DB push press
14 Minutes AMRAP-
60 Jumping Jacks
10 Lateral burpees over DB
20 Seconds Handstand hold / Feet elevated Pike
Running WOD
מצאו מקום עם כ-15 מדרגות
Warm up-
5 minutes of jog or walk
3 sets-
run up fast
run down slow
3 sets-
run every 2 stairs up
run down slow
4 sets-
jump up on one leg- switch legs every set.
run down slow
4 sets-
squat & jump every 2 stairs
run down slow