האימון היומי

WOD 231114



Build Heavy 1 rep Power snatch




10 Rounds for time-
3 Snatches @60/42.5kg
3 Lateral burpees over bar


Independent Open Gym WOD-

4 sets of- 8+8 Single Leg RDL

10 Rounds for time-
6 Single DB Snatches @30/20kg
3 Lateral burpees over DB

WOD 231113


Pull & Squat-

EMOM 12-
Odd- 2 Legless rope climbs
Even- 8-12 Goblet squat



In teams of 2-

For time-
40 Double DB lunges
40 Cal Bike
40 Pull ups
30 Double DB rack lunges
30 Cal Bike
30 Pull ups
20 Double DB OH lunges
20 Cal Bike
20 Pull ups
100 Air squats
10 Cal Bike
10 Pull ups
20 Double DB OH lunges
20 Cal Bike
20 Pull ups
30 Double DB rack lunges
30 Cal Bike
30 Pull ups
40 Double DB lunges
40 Cal Bike
40 Pull ups


Independent Open Gym WOD-

EMOM 10-
Odd- 8 Barbell bent over rows
Even- 8 Front squats

For time-
KB walking lunges @ 2×20/12kg KBs
Pull ups

WOD 231112


Lift & press-

EMOM 10-
1 Power clean & jerk



For time-
30 Hang power cleans @42.5/30kg
Run 200
30 Shoulder to OH @42.5/30kg
Run 200
30 Hang Muscle Cleans @20/15kg
Run 200
30 Strict presses @20/15kg


Independent Open Gym WOD-

EMOM 10-
5 DB thrusters @as heavy as possible

For time-
30 DB Hang power cleans @ 2×22.5/15kg
Run 200
30 Shoulder to OH @ 2×22.5/15kg
Run 200
30 DB Deadlifts @ 2×22.5/15kg
Run 200
30 Hand release push ups

WOD 231111



3 super sets of-
12 KB Deficit Goblet lunges
:30 Wall sit
:40 Plank



For time-
27-21-15-9 Wall balls
15 Medball OH Sit ups


Independent Open Gym WOD-

4 sets of- 8-6-4-2 Back squats

For time-
15-12-9 Deadlifts
12-9-6 Hang power cleans
6-5-4 Jerks

WOD 231110



In teams of 2-

4-8-12-16-20.. etc
Pull ups
10-20-30-40-50.. etc Cal bike (8-16-24-32-40.. for women)

RX= 42.5/30/kg

WOD 231109



Snatch grip DL- 5-4-3-2-1



16 Box jumps
16 DB snatch
8 DB Box step ups
8 Burpee box jumps


Accessory work-

3 sets of 15-30 seconds Sorenson hold on Box


Independent Open Gym WOD-

4 sets of 8+8 single leg RDL

2-4-6-8-10-12.. etc
Thrusters 40/30kg
Shuttle runs (1 Shuttle= 2×7.5 meters)